Your Dark Thoughts
Consciousness Josh Snyman Consciousness Josh Snyman

Your Dark Thoughts

How many gurus or yogis out there do you know of that say shit like, Just feel good feelings! Think happy thoughts and your life will manifest itself into one giant happy bubble of goodness and gluten-free wholeness…

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Naval Ravikant on The Joe Rogan Experience
Josh Snyman Josh Snyman

Naval Ravikant on The Joe Rogan Experience

Weekly Brew is a weekly dose of motivation filtered by yours truly. It will almost always have a quote, sometimes a video and maybe a completely off-topic story / interesting find here and there. In this Weeks Brew: Naval Ravikant on The Joe Rogan Experience. Possibly the most important podcast you will listen to.

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Own Your Past: Tattoos and Impulsivity
Josh Snyman Josh Snyman

Own Your Past: Tattoos and Impulsivity

Owning your past is critical in the development of your future. In this post, I uncover some embarrassing times in order to reveal how they have defined me.

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Weekly Brew #15
Josh Snyman Josh Snyman

Weekly Brew #15

In this weeks brew: a quote, a documentary I’m revisiting and book I’m looking forward to reading.

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