How to do CrossFit on a Meat-Based Keto Carnivore Diet | are you training for performance or health?
Like anyone that does CrossFit I know, my journey began on a similar road: one night I was scrolling through Netflix and came across a documentary called Fittest On Earth. I was confused when I did not hear David Attenborough’s voice narrating the opening scenes. The Likes of Rich Froning and Mat Fraser resembled silverback gorillas — only with less hair and more muscle.
Calories in vs Calories Out on a Meat-Based Diet: Why the Logic of Calorie Counting Works but the Reality Doesn’t
Don’t minimize your tab just yet. This is a post about nutrition. In his fantastic book, The Psychology of Money, Morgan Housel describes the ways in which human emotion inflicts a barrage of seemingly irrational decisions amongst even the most rational, logically-minded investors. He describes a situation where there are numerous investment strategies that look so good on paper — and yet, in the real world, when human emotion is factored in, fall down hard.
Heal the Body and the Mind Will Appear 🧠
Personal development programs are popular in today's 'fix me because I'm broken' culture. The promise for 10x growth sells. However, all self-improvement programs, mindfulness strategies and retreats forget one key element to healing: the animal.
Fullness vs Fasting: Why You Should Worry Less About Fasting and More About Feasting
"Moderation" is the great lie of the century. It was invented by senile men who are living in despair and have zero skin in the game of sustainable fat loss. When you eat the right foods –meat! – your body has a natural moderation-sparing valve that sends feedback to your energy-dense brain, letting it know you're good for the next 16-18 hours.