Tony Robbins, Bazique Festival and A Simple Quote from the CEO of Square | Weekly Brew 008
30 Minutes for the Next 30 Years of Your Life
“In the end what we get will never make us happy...what makes us happy is progress. Progress equals happiness. If you’re not growing, you’re dying””
Tony Robbins has been a Virtual Mentor in my life for over the past couple of years. He is a force of fucking nature. This nearly 7-foot giant has a way to motivate and inspire action like nothing else.
Motivation is never enough, however — thats why this video (and Tony) is so important.
Bazique Festival: Art, Music and Absurdism
People walking around in gimp suits? A giant snail that is motorised and can carry a number of humans? A silent disco by the waters edge? This past weekend, I attended one of the most bazaar and unrivalled festivals in South Africa.
Numbers don’t lie. Bazique festival was sold out — that pretty much sums the experience that was had up. This absurd fest took place just outside of Grabouw in the Western Cape.
Quote I’m Contemplating
“Be your unapologetically weird self
Jack Dorsey co-founded Twitter and is currently CEO of Square — a credit card processing company helping millions process payments faster all overt the globe.
How many people do you see just trying their hardest to put up a facade and try and be someone they clearly are not? I think to be yourself in todays world is to break free from the externally set limitations we have been forced into.
Being yourself doesn’t mean being a dick. It simply means being honest with who you are. If someone is present in your life that is toxic, don’t kid yourself and just carry on through with the relationship because he/she is a ‘good connection.’ There are plenty of examples, but bottom line is: embrace your weird self and celebrate it. Because the ones that stick around to enjoy and love it, are the ones who deserve your presence.
As always, thanks for indulging in this weeks brew, bru. Shoot me an email if you need to speak or just have any questions. Otherwise comment below on your thoughts about this weeks brew.
Big ups,