
9 months meat-based: blood ketones and glucose levels on NOSE-TO-TAIL Carnivore diet

“Branding requires accountability. To build a great personal brand (an eponymous one), you must take on the risk of being publicly wrong.”
— Naval Ravikant
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#111 - The Biohackers Paradox: from Ben Greenfield to Dave Asprey to Shawn Baker

“So many people hyper-focus on their diet to avoid focusing on their trauma. Whatever is eating you is fat more important than what you eat!”

— @thesashinpatel
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#91 - Rosie Lombard- Healing Anorexia on Carnivore Diet, Counting Calories and Mental Health

Episode #91

Although I am so proud of how far I have come and in the last year I have made leaps and bounds, honestly probably the most recovery and personal healing I have done since being diagnosed with Anorexia. See I am such an impatient person, when I want something to change or happen, I want it NOW. This process of recovery has taught me to slow down and follow the process. It has taken me four years of finally choosing myself and my health. I always used to trick myself into believing I was making so much progress but deep inside I knew I was holding onto my eating disorder as a comforting blanket to catch me every time things got hard or uncertain, I always knew anorexia would be there to catch me if I fall... and she did catch me every time. She comforted me in her suffocating arms and held me tight. She told me she would never let me go and that being together was always better.
— @rosie_eatsmeat
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#63 - 5 Trendy Health Foods That Are Destroying The Environment

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
— Mark Twain
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#49 - Your Best Defence Against COVID and Doing the Best You Can

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

— Theodore Roosevelt