Remove the Root
You can do all the “right” things:
Eat right
Cold plunge
Get a fecal transplant
Avoid bad science and movies like Game Changers
But, that doesn’t guarantee anything in return.
Until you remove the root — that is: the big fucking mountain right in front of you, that you can’t see because often you’re so close to the base of it, it’s difficult to fathom, then all the “right” things will be bandages.
Bandages are temporary.
When you rip the root of your suffering out, new, better paradigms can grow in your mind.
Malignant species grow automatically in your minds garden. These 2-billion-year old brains are not designed to make you happy (credit the large behemoth Tony Robbins again) — they are designed to make you survive.
Thus, you have to work on it daily and protect the fuck out of it.
The past year has been the hardest year of my life. It’s been difficult because I uplifted the root. A root that has been berried 24 years into my psyche.
Writing, creating and sharing my experiences with you seems to be one of the antidotes to a mind full of weeds.
So thank you.
And…more to come.
See you soon.
35,000ft over Kwa-Zulu Natal somewhere,